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A, AN - not, without
amoral, atrophy, asymmetrical, anarchy, anesthetic, anonymity, anomaly
AB, A - from, away, apart
abnormal, abdicate, aberration, abhor, abject, abjure, abortive, abrogate, abscond, absolve, abstemious, annul, avert, aversion
AC, ACR - sharp, sour
acid, acerbic, exacerbate, acute, acuity, acumen, acrid, acrimony
AD, A- to, toward
adhere, adjacent, adjunct, admonish, adroit, advent, abeyance, abet, accede, acquiesce, affluent, aggrandize, aggregate, alleviate, allude, ascribe, aspersion, aspire, assail, attest
ALl, ALTR - another
alias, alienate, inalienable, altruism
AM, AMI - love
amorous, amicable, amiable, amity
AMBI, AMPHI - both
ambiguous, ambivalent, ambidextrous, amphibious
AMBL, AMBUL - walk
amble, ambulatory, perambulator, somnambulist
ANIM- mind, spirit, breath
animal, animosity, unanimous, magnanimous
ANN, ENN - year
annual, annuity, superannuated, biennial, perennial
ANTE, ANT -before
antecedent, antediluvian, antebellum, antepenultimate, anterior, antiquity, antiquated, anticipate
ANTHROP - human
anthropology, anthropomorphic, misanthrope, philanthropy
ANTI, ANT - against, opposite
antidote, antipathy, antithesis, antacid, antagonist, antonym
AUD- hear
audio, audience, audition, auditory, audible
AUTO - self
autobiography, autocrat, autonomous
belligerent, bellicose, antebellum, rebellion
BENE, BEN - good
benevolent, benefactor, beneficent, benign
BI - two
bicycle, bisect, bilateral, bilingual, biped
BIBLIO- book
Bible, bibliography, bibliophile
BIO - life
biography, biology, amphibious, symbiotic, macrobiotics
BURS - money, purse
reimburse, disburse, bursar
CAD, CAS, CID - happen, fall
accident, cadence, cascade, deciduous
CAP, CIP - head
captain, decapitate, capitulate, precipitous, precipitate
CAP, CAPT, CEPT, CIP - take, hold, seize
capable, recapitulate, captivate, deception, intercept, precept, inception, anticipate,emancipation, incipient, cede, precede, accede, recede, antecedent, intercede, secede
CARN- flesh
carnal, carnage, carnival, carnivorous, incarnate
CED, CESS - yield, go
cease, cessation, incessant, cede
CHROM -- color
chrome, chromatic, monochrome
CHRON - time
chronology, chronic, anachronism
CIDE - murder
suicide, homicide, regicide, patricide
CIRCUM - around
circumference, circumlocution, circumnavigate, circumscribe, circumspect, circumvent
CLIN, CLIV - slope
incline, declivity, proclivity
CLUD, CLUS, CLAUS, CLOIS - shut, close
conclude, reclusive, claustrophobia, cloister, preclude, occlude
CO, COM, CON - with, together
coeducation, coagulate, coalesce, coerce, cogent, cognate, collateral, colloquial, commensurate, compassion, compatriot, complacent, compliant, complicity, compunction, conciliatory, concord, concur, condone, conflagration, congeal, congenial, congenital, conglomerate, conjure, conjugal, conscientious, consecrate, consensus, consonant, constrained, contentious, contrite, convalescence, convene, convivial, convoke, convoluted, congress
COGN, GNO - know
recognize, cognition, cognizance, incognito, diagnosis, agnostic, prognosis, agnostic, ignorant
CONTRA- against
controversy, incontrovertible, contravene
CORP - body
corpse, corporeal, corpulence
COSMO, COSM - world
cosmopolitan, cosmos, microcosm, macrocosm
CRAC, CRAT - rule, power
democracy, bureaucracy, theocracy, autocrat, aristocrat, technocrat
CRED- trust, believe
incredible, credulous, credence
CRESC, CRET - grow
crescent, crescendo, accretion
CULP - blame, fault
culprit, culpable, inculpate, exculpate
CURR, CURS - run
current, concur, cursory, precursor, incursion
DE - down, out, apart
depart, debase, debilitate, decry, deface, defamatory, defunct, delegate, demarcation, demean, demur, deplete, deplore, depravity, deprecate, deride, desist, detest, devoid
DEC- ten, tenth
decade, decimal, decathlon, decimate
DEMO, DEM - people
democrat, demographics, demagogue, epidemic, pandemic, endemic
DI, DIURN - day
diary, diurnal, quotidian
DIA- across
diagonal, diatribe
DIC, DICT - speak
diction, interdict, predict, abdicate, indict, verdict
DIS, DIF, DI - not, apart, away
disaffected, disband, disbar, disburse, discern, discordant, discredit, disheveled, disparage, disparate, dispassionate, dispirit, dissemble, disseminate, dissension, dissipate, dissonant, dissuade, distend, differentiate, diffidence, diffuse, digress, divert
DOC, DOCT - teach
doctrine, docile
DOL- pain
condolence, doleful, dolorous, indolent
DUC, DUCT - lead
seduce, induce, conduct, viaduct, induct
EGO- self
ego, egoist, egocentric
EN, EM - in, into
enter, entice, encumber, endemic, ensconce, enthrall, entreat, embellish, embezzle, embroil,empathy
ERR - wander
erratic, aberration, errant
EU - well, good
eulogy, euphemism, euphony, euphoria, eurhythmics, euthanasia
EX, E- out, out of
exit, exacerbate, excerpt, excommunicate, exculpate, exhume, exonerate, exorbitant, exorcise, expatriate, expedient, expiate, expunge, expurgate, extenuate, extort, extremity, extricate,extrinsic, exult, evoke, evict, elicit, egress
FAC, FIC, FECT, FY, FEA - make, do
factory, facility, benefactor, malefactor, fiction, fictive, beneficent, affect, magnify, unify, rectify, vilify, feasible
FAL, FALS - deceive
false, infallible, fallacious
FERV - boil
fervent, fervid, effervescent
FLU, FLUX - flow
fluent, flux, affluent, confluence, effluvia, superfluous
FORE - before
forecast, foreboding, forestall
FRAG, FRAC - break
fragment, fracture, diffract, fractious, refract
FUS- pour
profuse, infusion, effusive, diffuse
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Anonymous, At
April 8, 2008 at 10:46 PM
Really very useful matter,
Thanx a lot!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, At
April 21, 2008 at 9:22 AM
Thanks..m really greatful.. thanks once again..
Anonymous, At
May 3, 2008 at 10:38 PM
santhi, At
December 7, 2008 at 9:31 AM
Really it will help alot thanks for the matter.......
Vidhi, At
September 3, 2009 at 12:46 AM
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