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1. Out of 45, 25 are married and 38 are houseowners
col A: least no.of houseowners who are married
col b: 18
Ans: C
Explanation: Out of 45 if 38 are house owners then the remaining 7 are not house owners. So to find the least no. of House owners who are married ; 25 – 7 =18 (assuming those 7 are married) and hence They are equal

2. A two digit number is a multiple of 3 and thrice this number has 7 in its units place.
col a: the number is
col B: 69
Ans: D
Explanation: We can make a comparison with Col A and Col B to reach a solution. First, 69 is a 3 multiple and thrice this no will yield 207. But we have no reason to choose 69 as ans ,so we cannot determine it.

3. If n is an integer when divided by 17 leaves a reminder 4, what is the reminder when 5n is divided by 17
Ans : 3
Explanation: As n leaves a reminder 4 when divided by 17, When n gets multiplied by 5 to give 5n, the reminder of n as well gets multiplied by 5 .So the reminder term becomes 20,dividing it by 17 gives a reminder of 3

4.On a street, there are four houses which are to be painted. There is a choice of three colors, and one house will be painted with a single color. In how many ways can the houses be painted?
A. 4 B. 24 C. 64 D. 81 E. 128
Ans: D
Explanation: Each house has to b painted with one of the 3 colors. The first house can b painted with any of the 3 colors n the second house again with any of the 3 colors( since the question does not mention that the colors should not b repeated) and similarly the third n fourth house. So the ans is 3x3x3x3 =81

5. A B
+ B A
Col A: B
Col B: 2
Ans: C
Explanation : A random substitution will infer that B shld hav a smaller value .Taking B=2 n A=9 the equation will satisfy . No other substitution will work!

6.There was a $25 discount on every purchase of $75 there was a 10% charge on shipping which was added before the discount and 20% sales tax after the discount was added. If john paid total $300, what was the original amount of purchase if no sales tax was added per $75
Ans : 250.
Explanation: We are required to find Original amount before Sales tax . From the question we can find that 20% sales tax was the final math that was applied to reach the amount john paid. Taking X as the amount before sales tax; (X + (X * (20/100)) ) = 300.Solving the equation we get X = 250.

7. A company sold a product for x dollars in 1990. The price of product would increase by 2.5% every year. Which of the following expressions could be used to calculate the price of the product in the year 2000?
Ans : x*(1.025)^10
Explanation: This is a similar to a simple interest problem.
The answer is X (1 + (2.5/100))^10

8. Given ABCD is a square with perimeter k and M, N, O, P are the midpoints of the square. If with this midpoints another square MNOP is formed then
Col A: perimeter of inner square
Col B: 1/2 k
Ans: A
Explanation: Learn the facts on Right angled triangle, u ll find that sides opposite to 90degree is larger in length . so the inner square will have larger length and hence larger perimeter .

9. Col A: The number of real roots of 2x-3/7=0
Col B: The number of real roots of x^2+3=0
Ans: A
Explanation: The equation in Col A will become x= 3/(7*2)when solving ,So it has one Real value .Solving Col B Equation we get 2 imaginary roots . So A will b Greater



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